Constipation Relief Austin
Relieve your constipation quickly for $17.95.
Get the Perfect Toilet Posture, or PTP.
The Healthy, no drugs, no side effects, remedy!

Our Guarantee to You

What Causes Constipation
The above are the most common, reasons and causes of constipation.
Perfect Toilet Posture
The way we normally sit on the toilet can inhibit adequate, healthy, and complete bowel movements. Your toilet sitting position can put a kink in our colon! Click! for more information.
Take the PTP with you when Travel
Lightweight and compact size. This will easily fit in your suitcase or carry-on bag!
This is Constipation Relief Austin.

Poor Toilet Posture Promotes Constipation
Correcting your poor toilet posture is a simple situation with the Perfect Toilet Posture. Long-term constipation relief Austin is here!
As with most natural health remedies, allow yourself six to 8 (6 to 8) days to use the Perfect Toilet Posture – then you will enjoy long-term pleasure when you hit the head! Gordo guarantees this!
Benefits of Perfect Toilet Posture
How to Make Yourself Poop
Everybody needs to poop, but for some folks, having regular bowel movements is an uncertainty. These people want fast constipation relief, Austin.
Nobody wants to contend with the undesirable emotions of being “backed up” (featuring ballooning, tummy pain, fatigue, and emotional stress).
The simplest process for making yourself poop may include these five simple steps:
And great way to do this is to Click to Order your Perfect Toilet Posture.

Remedy Constipation
The previous bullet points illustrate the easiest, quickest, and most convenient aspects of eliminating/reducing constipation problems. Click!
A word of advice: Don’t overthink this. Just do it. For under $20, you will feel better! Click to Order
Constipation Remedies
Besides the above-listed bulleted items, Chamomile tea, Chia seeds, and a balanced fiber program may be additional “remedy constipation”.
Food That Makes You Poop
Apples, Prunes, Kiwi, whole Grains, water, Chia Seed, Flax Seeds, Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Figs, Lentils, Avocados, plus more!
Facts about Constipation
Constipation is one of the absolute most regular stomach grievances in the United States. Depending on your source of information — between 2.5 million and 5 million Americans seek professional, medical help yearly for this concern.
Anyone suffering from the pain or inconvenience of not having regular bowel movements wants to find one to two constipation remedies that are fast, safe, and effective. The Perfect Toilet Posture is a part of their solution!
Best Laxatives
The news media, social media, the medical community, and the internet may promote “laxatives” as a cure for the pain, intestinal blockages, and bloating of constipation. Their hype is unfounded!
Laxatives Side Effects
The long-term use of laxatives may not be a wise decision. After long-term use of laxatives, the intestines may become weak as they lose their normal muscle tone (think of atrophy) and nerve response. This leads to the intestines no longer being able to properly eliminate the stools on their own.
This bears repeating: The muscles in your intestines forget how to work.
This is a terrible side effect of laxatives: the poop does not move.
Other side effects of over-the-counter laxatives may include stomach pain, fatigue, diarrhea, bowel obstructions (Large, dry poop that won’t move) an imbalance of minerals in your body, bloating, farting, or intestinal cramps, sore throat, feeling sick, emotional distress, and a loss of energy.
Fortunately, the symptoms of overusing laxatives may reverse with the passage of time.

Constipation Relief Austin
Pediatric Constipation
The four simplest, easiest steps for constipation relief in children are more water, Better food, walking, and the Perfect Toilet Posture.